Maya Community Care

Assist-Life Stage, Transition

NDIS Life Transition Assistance

Transitioning to a new stage of life can be challenging for anyone, and individuals with disabilities often face additional hurdles. At Maya Community Care, we specialise in supporting NDIS participants through life-stage transitions. Whether you are starting school, leaving home, entering the workforce, or retiring, we are here to navigate these important crossroads with you. 

Our tailored approach considers your unique abilities, ensuring you receive the necessary support to successfully transition. Through proper planning and extensive networking, we will guide you through life’s transitions and empower you to reach your full potential.

Smooth Transitions into the Workforce

Transitioning into the workforce or a new job is a common life change. Our dedicated team provides valuable support to individuals on the NDIS, making this transition smoother. With our expertise, we assist you in enhancing your skills, applying for jobs, and even arranging transportation for interviews.

Employment Preparation

We can assist you in finding job openings and applying for them. Our team can help you write resumes and cover letters, which are important skills. We will also support you in improving your ability to interact with others, your confidence in communicating, and your skills for job interviews.

Assistance in Employment

After you get a job, we can assist you in making the most of it! We can help with transportation to work and staying in touch with your employer and colleagues. At Maya Community Care, we’ll support you as you become more independent and confident through meaningful employment.

Workplace Integration

Starting a new job can feel like a lot to handle. But don’t worry. Our team is here to help you settle in smoothly. We’ll give you the training you need for your new workplace, teach you about disabilities and how to be aware of them, and offer ongoing support if you face any difficulties.

Holistic Support for Every Step

Our Life Transition program is designed to empower individuals to thrive during life-stage transitions. Whether you’re seeking assistance living independently at home, engaging in community activities, or coordinating your support, we have you covered. Our program offers short- and long-term support services to ensure successful journey. Our offerings include: